Anyone who knows me knows I like my coffee and I like my coffee GOOD!!
Nothing boils by britches (for lack of a better PG phrase) than wasting five bucks on bad coffee.
GOOD coffee is...
- not too hot (burnt milk = bitter = bad coffee! Also = not able to drink until waiting and I need coffee when I need my coffee!)
- does not need sweetening (milk is naturally sweet enough and a good coffee is not bitter)
- has been brewed with care (rushed coffee is often too hot or poorly made)
- has a good amount of froth (I like my froth)
On our trip this summer I can summarise my coffee experiences as I remember them now:
Day 1: Traveling the Straight
2 x coffees from Interislander
Being forced to get up far too early to cross on ferry = not a happy Lana. Coffee on there was mixed. One coffee wasn't great, the other was really good. Unfortunately you can't shop around much on there but you can try to get a different barista and that always makes a difference.
Day 2: Staying in Pohara, near Takaka
Takaka - De-Lish
Can't remember this one so can't have been too bad either way. (Thus I need a blog to keep my memories for me 'cos my stupid head doesn't store them for me.)
Think that may have been it for the day, unusual to only have one. Next time will log in my blog as I go as I must be forgetting somewhere.
Day 3: Stayed in Pohara then made our way to Kaikoura
BP Nelson
Usually a safe bet going to BP unless you are unlucky on the barista. Don't remember what this one was like so probably okay. Not much to write home about.
Day 4: Kaikoura travelling to Geraldine
Coffee 1: Pot Belly Bakery & Cafe
I'm always a bit skeptical getting coffee from somewhere that is clearly a bakery. It is usually either really good or really bad. This one was really bad.
Didn't enjoy the food either but knew that was a risk going in as I got a bacon and egg filo (heated) but I tend not to like egg that's been pre-cooked like that but was trying to get something remotely healthy and I struggle with finding things on the road that ticks that box.
Undrinkably gross. (Yes I know that's not a word auto-correct but it is now!)
I know they were super busy but if that's the standard they slip to I'll not risk it again even if quiet. "The standard you walk past is the standard you accept." I like this quote. This quote definitely applies here.
DO get ice cream there!!!!
OMG they have such large ice creams. SO good on a summer's day.
Go for ice cream - No for coffee.
Day 5: Geraldine (closest place to stay to be near Tekapo at this time of year)
Tekapo - Doughboy's Bakery & Cafe
Woke up far too early to get coffee anywhere near Geraldine. We traveled to Tekapo for sunrise (what sunrise?). Nothing was open. Snagged a coffee in Tekapo from pretty much thee only place open before 7am. This is after walking around like a zombie trying to make something of the nothing sunrise. All pics will come later at some stage but I'm more likely to remember the story behind the pics than the coffees thus the coffee stories come first.
Right, now, as for the coffee itself... As I said before, bakeries are either really bad or really good. This one was pretty damn good. The temperature was not too hot (could drink it pretty much straight away which was 100% needed), with good froth and flavour. Would go there again, no problems. Plus the service was lovely, nice and cheerful for first thing in the morning (how does he manage that?!)
We came back for breakfast after I tracked Rodney down (he ditched me for the church). We each had cheese toasties, mine with tomato, his without. Unfortunately that was a bit on the bland side, (needed some salt and pepper, tried adding some and made it snow. Salt everywhere.) but it was good and the cheese was extra stringy which is always fun.
Day 6: Geraldine to Christchurch
Coffee from Geraldine Berry Barn Bakery & Cafe
We were honored to be the first "fly solo" customers of a new staff member at this cafe. She was lovely and apologetic for being a bit slow finding the right buttons for our order but need not have been. She'll get the hang of it in no time.
I was a bit worried however when she was then also making my coffee... (yes I know I'm a bit precious about this if you can't already tell). But luckily it was made with care and she took her time and the coffee was great. Good coffee takes time. She'll do just fine.
Day 7: Christchurch to Kaikoura (with a detour off to Akaroa first)
Coffee from Little River Cafe & Store
Wasn't too bad, was too hot but tasted alright but the service left something to be desired and the food was a bit too up-market for my liking (especially on a public holiday with a 15% surcharge).
If it wasn't for the fact that I had been waiting for my first coffee since 5am and we somehow left Christchurch without getting caffeine or food I would have waited until Akaroa with the lovely french cafes there.
2nd Coffee: McCafe Marshlands
Maccas are either hit or miss. This time was lucky and it was actually really good. Lovely friendly staff at the cafe too.
Day 8: Kaikoura to Wanganui
Kaikoura Bakery
My intention was to go to a cafe in Kaikoura and grab a coffee worthy of taking a pic of for my blog entry image however we ended up at a bakery and I ordered before realising the coffee was not barista made but from a machine... Needless to say it wasn't the best. Wasn't the worst I've had on this trip either though so there you go.
It was super busy but the lovely French lady was delightful and the food was decent. Would have been an awesome place to take a kid as they had so many little colourful treats in shapes of animals and critters.
Interislander - Iced Coffee
Was very late in the day so normally I would not normally consider a coffee but was feeling in need of one and had a late night ahead of us (getting back to Wanganui at midnight).
Whilst not on the menu they happily concocted an iced coffee for me (ice + coffee pretty much, not the standard sugar filled one which is good). Have to say their customer service is always great on the boat, even if it is sorely lacking in power points for passengers.
Blog entry 2 done and dusted. Pic is of my first coffee back at home from my own machine. Not the most photogenic coffee but tastes good.
